Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Your Headache!

Few things are so limiting as a migraine. And, believe it or not, they’re one of the most common pains out there, and still, it’s one of the most inefficiently treated physical issues of all time. Most people suffer from headaches now and then. They can be related to many reasons, like stress or lack of sleep, but you may not know that a good percentage of headaches originate in the neck and are called “cervicogenic headaches.” 

Cervicogenic headaches don’t respond well to common painkillers. Still, a chiropractic adjustment is the best way to treat them since the muscle tension in the neck relieves, and there’s a permanent reduction of the symptoms. 

These headaches (which account for 95% of all!) are usually associated with sedentary and stressful activities. Sitting in front of a computer in a fixed position or posture for a long time can cause nerve compression, joint irritation, and muscle tension on your upper back, neck, and scalp, provoking the headache. 

Teeth clenching is also a cause of headaches because it irritates the temporomandibular joint, which connects your jaw and your skull, and causes your head to ache. Dehydration is also a common factor that leads to headaches. Luckily, chiropractors know this and will help you relieve pain by advising you to improve your posture, incorporate low-impact exercise into your daily routine, work on your teeth-clenching habit, and drink eight 8-ounces glasses of water daily.

Aside from that advice, your chiropractor will perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to relieve all the stress and tension accumulated on your neck and upper back, alleviating the pain and improving their function. These procedures have proven to be highly effective against headaches and migraines, way more than drugs that only treat the problem on a surface level instead of addressing the actual cause of the symptoms. Besides, excess painkillers can cause additional and severe issues, like kidney stones.

Bloomfield residents couldn’t be happier with the results they’ve had with our treatments. If you’re suffering from recurring migraines and don’t find any relief, maybe chiropractic care is the option. Visit our website to know more! At Scordilis Health and Performance Center, our priority is your wellness, and we’ll provide you with the best of services by the area’s best chiropractors.
